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Discussion 3.1 It in Cultural Context

Discussion 3.1 It in Cultural Context

Q How does It portray women? In formulating your response in your post, consider the contextual information you gleaned from Laura Horack's essay, "'Would you like to sin with Elinor Glyn?' Film as a Vehicle of Sensual Education," especially page 97 on.

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As I read about ‘It’ on page 97, there were a lot of questions in my mind. Most of them were due to the fact that the contradictions present in the whole topic. I think the contrast which played an important role in the whole setting because of the fact that Glyn wanted to make a point. The movie ‘It’ became such an enigma that ultimately, ‘It girl’ became a major phenomenon. In popular culture Elinor Glyn is generally attributed with the concept of ‘It’ and the story in Cosmopolitan where she described the ‘It’ is also very compelling. ‘It’ can be said as the x-factor which the capacity to attract men and create an everlasting impression on them. Yes, I do agree than films can very be regarded as